Sunday, October 1, 2023

October 2023: Fall Flora


While most people in this part of the world are dedicated to admiring the changing colors of autumn leaves, fall is also a great time to photograph mushrooms in the woods, as many varieties bloom at this time of year. Some of the prettiest are these bicolor boletes, which are pink and yellow. These beauties occur almost worldwide, so you should be able to find some out in the woods just about anywhere at this time of year.

I love photographing mushrooms simply because of the incredible variety they exhibit. Not all of them are what is typically seen as beautiful, but every last species holds at least some level of visual interest and that makes them wonderful photographic subjects.


Angus said...

You are an amazing man. I have watched you work for many decades now, and despite my original intent your integrity is unparalleled. I look at this and I can see where so many photographers would move leaves and twigs to make for a better shot, but you leave everything as it is, even for as mundane a shot as it is. (No offense meant!)
The creases and flaws in the mushroom are there and you can see WHY they are there because you have left it exactly as nature intended. Your body of work shows no variation in that honesty, and I can not express to you just how much that means to me.
My initial impression of you was wildly inaccurate, and I just wanted to let you know that I hold you in the highest professional regard.

Jonderson said...

Wow, what an incredible compliment! Thank you!