Friday, January 31, 2025

February 2025: The Devil is in the Details


An interesting experiment this month with a combination of infra-red photography and simulated reverse tilt-shift effect. Extremely simplified, tilt-shift is a technique used to make a real life scene look like it is a miniature. What I have done here is the opposite. This is a miniature which I have adapted using the same basic visual concepts in reverse to present a miniature as full-sized. The garden shed pictured here in real life is a model which stands only ten inches tall. While the proportions in some of the details give it away, the details themselves are quite intricate and help "sell" the illusion, as does the infra-red effect, which provides an additional sense of visual disorientation unrelated to scale. 

An interesting study in architectural photography, and a great deal of fun to integrate several different techniques which are not normally used together to make this one!

Credit also rightfully is given here to my wonderful and talented wife, who assembled this amazingly detailed model.