Friday, February 15, 2013

Abandoned Madonna (bonus photo)

Outstanding Los Angeles photographer Kevin McCollister is holding "Madonna Month" at his blog right now.  He will be posting Madonnas of varying sorts throughout February.  In celebration of that, and in the spirit of camraderie, you get a bonus photo from me this month!  This is the madonna statue which was left on the front of the empty church I posted a couple months ago.

Online Outdoor Gallery at Mlive

Mlive currently has an online gallery of outdoor photos posted here.

It looks like 5 of mine are up there, including some not seen on this blog or at my website.  I think they will be adding new ones for the next couple days.  So go check it out, and share it with your friends!

Monday, February 11, 2013


Gesichert is the German word meaning "secured".  In this case, it means that the gun's safety mechanism is engaged, but the possible implications of having the word "secured" on a firearm are numerous and enjoyable to contemplate. 

-1940 P-08 Parabellum (aka "Luger")-