Thursday, March 31, 2016

Channelling Kevin

My friend and fellow photographer Kevin McCollister does a lot of wonderful cityscapes, many with quite striking lighting.  I don't do a lot of cityscapes myself, so when the above shot presented itself to me it was impossible for me not to think of him while capturing it.  So he gets to take inspirational credit for this shot.

Don't worry, Kevin.  I have no plans to photograph all (or even most) of Grand Rapids.  I am already back up in the woods where I belong. :)

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Some architecture for March

This is the copper dome of the Basilica of St. Adelbert in Grand Rapids, MI.  Like pennies, when it was new it was the typically orange and shiny color one associates with copper.  As it weathers it turns this lovely shade of brown before eventually turning green, just like the Statue of Liberty.  I would love to have seen the Statue of Liberty while it was still that fresh copper color, that would have been magnificent!

We are just a few weeks away from spring here now, and although the winter has been particularly mild this year I am still awaiting its departure very eagerly.  I am getting to an age where I do not appreciate winter as much as I used to, I suppose. 

Until next month, Cheers!